
There is only one thing you need to scale

Astrid Claessen, Agile Coach at Wigo4it & Pro Bono Sparring Partner

OpenSpace Agility (OSA) is a repeatable technique for getting a rapid and lasting Agile adoption.

It works with what you are currently doing, and can be added at any time.

In OSA, executive leaders are very much in charge of the process. When using OSA, leaders clearly communicate two key aspects:

♦ An overall Agile direction. 
♦ A very clear set of guardrails or limits or rules for everyone involved: the developers, teams and stakeholders.

OSA saves time and money. It can save as much as 50% compared to other approaches. OpenSpace Agility will help you achieve these savings by being very efficient. OpenSpace Agility achieves these cost savings by generating very high levels of engagement across your organization. This how and why OSA actually works.

Agile transformation simply is not possible without very high levels of employee engagement.

By focusing on employee engagement, as a leader you can expect the following outcomes:

♦ A dramatic reduction in the coaching & training costs of your Agile program 
♦ A rapid, genuine and lasting Agile transformation 
♦ Much higher employee engagement scores 
♦ Predictable, reliable, repeatable improvement in overall results 
♦ Increases in stakeholder satisfaction and potentially, stakeholder delight

I have always looked around me and saw things that could be improved upon. That is why continuous improvement resonates with me so strongly….. our would that be because of my struggle with perfectionism?

With experience in almost every role available in product development I’m able to understand the challenges organizations face when dancing with uncertainty. Using that understanding I can help them overcome obstacles along their way.

Experience working abroad in: India, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Hong Kong, Indonesia and China. This helps me understand more of the cultural aspect, which is a big part of any Agile transformation. I coached at Rabobank, HSBC, Tele2, Delta Lloyd, ING and now Wigo4it.